About Us
We are a vibrant and very welcoming church based near High Blantyre Cross. We have groups, clubs and activities that take place within our church throughout the year. Not only do we have our Sunday worship we like to branch out and try new and wonderful ways to engage in our faith through learning, friendship and community life. So we listened, and started a Messy Church and experimented with the Discipleship Posse, these being some of the newest innovative ways for Blantyre Old. We also have some more wonderful ideas up our sleeves.
"Blantyre Old is such a welcoming Church. James and I always feel as if we’ve returned to family." – Evelyn Robertson
Our church has a beautiful, bright and modern interior with many original features which is very popular for weddings and baptisms. If you are interested in having your marriage ceremony here or looking to have your child baptised, please contact Rev. Sarah Ross.
"I would just like to thank you again for the lovely service today for Addison’s Christening. We all had a wonderful time. I also wanted to let you know that our family and friends spoke very highly of yourself (Sarah) and also how warm and welcoming everyone was to them." – The Hughes Family

The church family of Blantyre Old is varied, with people of all ages and experience involved. Sunday worship is held at 11am with a vibrant Sunday Club, approximately 25 members plus with a growing number of toddlers. Attendance at services is usually around 125, though we are pleased to see the congregation fluctuate with busier weeks. We know that life means that you can’t make it every week – you are welcome when you can come.
The format of worship is fairly traditional in that we sing songs (usually standing as it is easier to sing standing!), share prayers, read the bible and hear a short talk that is designed to challenge, encourage and provoke. However, the atmosphere is relaxed, the banter light and usually laughter is heard as well as the cogs turning in our brains. Most importantly we believe that God shows up and He is present whilst we worship, and we know He is the one who brings love, hope and mercy.
In the Sanctuary, we have space for young children where they can play. They can move around as long as they are safe. It is flexible seating so we can remove chairs to allow wheelchair access or space for prams. We use screens, have a loop system and can email the powerpoint to anyone who wants to use a tablet. It is already sent to 4 people regularly who have eyesight difficulties. Eleanor brings her guide dog Erica, both of whom you will find in the choir, though Erica doesn’t sing! We now also have Ike, another guide dog! And without a doubt, there are others within our congregation who have additional needs. Where possible we try to support or at least make welcome any who wish to come. We improved disable access externally and there is a disabled toilet in the church building.
Following morning worship we enjoy fellowship together with refreshments –either with home baking and goodies or soup and crusty bread. We see this as an important part of worship as we share together, and again all ages can participate. This element of fellowship has grown over the year with more people staying behind for such refreshments.
We also provide monthly worship at Kirkton Home in Blantyre for residents who wish to attend. There has been an increase in attendance and participation is strong, despite the frailties and sight issues for some. We use large print song sheets and each month around 5-8 people come from the church to support and participate.
Sanctus Praise Services are held every second Sunday of the month (Sept-Jun) starting with refreshments before worship at 6.30pm. These are shared out by 6 churches in the local area. To check the location of the next one you can find out on Facebook at Sanctus Praise Service Phoenix
BAPTISM: If you would like to have a child baptised, or be baptised as an adult then please contact Rev Sarah Ross. She will make an appointment to meet with you and talk with you about the Sacrament of Baptism or a service of thanksgiving. From there, you will be able to decide how you might like to mark the gift of your child or develop your own faith. Please book your date with the Minister before you make any further arrangements, just in case the date you want is not available.
MARRIAGE: If you would like to enquire about getting married by the minister, either in the church or in another location, then please contact Rev Sarah directly. She will talk you through the kind of service she provides, and generally, as long as you are happy to have a Christian service, making your vows before God and your friends and family, then usually she is able to help out. Within reason she is willing to travel, and though there is no fee for the minister or the church, travel expenses may be charged. We also suggest a donation be made to the church to help with its upkeep. There is more material attached here to help you plan your service, and all services are personalised. However, please book your date first with the minister to ensure her availability.
FUNERALS: Sadly, we know that death is something that comes to us all, sometimes without warning. And sometimes, we want something traditional and comforting, even if we add modern touches. As a Church of Scotland minister, Rev Sarah is available for any family requesting a Christian service whether in the church, at the Crematorium, graveside or parlour, regardless of any church background. Each service will be designed around the family, and depending on location, music and screens are available. Just talk through your requests with Rev Sarah.
Usually, once you have spoken with the Funeral Director they will contact Rev Sarah to make arrangements. You can contact Rev Sarah directly, or she will call you to arrange a visit once the Funeral Director has been in touch.
Annual Report and Accounts
Each year we have an annual report and accounts and the 2016 Annual Report and Accounts are available here. In this document, you can find out something of what we got up to in 2016, and how we manage our funds. It is a formal document designed to inform readers about the church which is a registered charity.