
What's On

We have a suite of halls that are used by different groups throughout the week by both community and church. Below you can find out more about regular community groups. For church users, please visit our Activities tab. If you would like to hire the hall for a one-off or regular let then please look at the conditions of let and fill in a form, which contains details of costs and return to Sharon Smit, our halls let manager. You can contact her to check availability - 07903656312,  email sharonesmith@hotmail.com or simply send in the form.

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1st High Blantyre Rainbows
1st High Blantyre Brownies
Blantyre Model Railway Club
Young and Aitken School of Dance
Little Rainbows Toddler Group

(Part of Girl Guiding)

1st High Blantyre Rainbows
There are three leaders – Jennifer, Ashley and Chloe, along with a guide helper – Holly. We do lots of fun activities including arts and crafts, dress up, science experiments and the list goes on! We also like to take the girls on exciting trips when we can. We would be more than happy to hear from you, so please don’t hesitate to contact us on 07453 317257 and Jennifer can answer your questions. It is £1.50 per week plus annual subscription.  There are four leaders – Susan, Winnie, Fiona and Natasha.


1st High Blantyre Brownies
1st High Blantyre Brownies has been running for many years. Brownies is an opportunity for girls to make friends, develop their skills and become more confident, independent individuals. At Brownies the girls take part in fun activities such as games, sausage sizzle nights and Brownie Camp. The girls also work towards completing various tasks and activities to earn badges. More information about Brownies can be found on the girl guiding website.  Contact susansteele12@gmail.com for information about the pack.    It is £2 per week plus annual subscription.

Blantyre Model Railway Club
The model railway club meet every Tuesday from 7-9pm in the Hall. They are currently constructing a new layout and enthusiasts and new members welcome. If interested in more details please contact email enquiries@blantyremodelrailwayclub.com or come along.

Y&A Dance
Y&A Dance hold classes in Blantyre Old Parish Church Hall run by teachers Caroline and Hazel teaching Tap, Modern, Highland. Caroline and Hazel have been teaching in Blantyre for over 40 years. Andrew, member of Y&A, teaches cheer and freestyle on a Saturday and he runs a competition class Wednesday and Thursdays, teaching pupils in lyrical, hip hop, and open choreography still within the church hall. Andrew has been teaching for over 13 years. We are all members of the BATD (British Association of Teachers of Dancing). Wednesday classes 7.30 – 9.00 pm; Thursday 7.30 – 9.00 pm and Saturday classes 9.30 - 1.00pm. For further information please contact Caroline 07990912526 or Hazel 07954391059.



Friday morning 10-12

£2 per child £1 for siblings and under 1's are free

Snack provided (toast, pancakes, yoghurt, fruit, rice cakes, biscuit and juice)

Occasionally have craft activities

Song time with parachute and musical instruments at the end

We have many spaces just now as we are at half our capacity

We have a couple of parties a year and provide the Christmas gifts and all outgoings for each party and also pay for one summer trip per year.

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Scottish Charity Number SC018492